Did you know that US residents spend around 6 hours every week cleaning their homes?
A deep cleaning house checklist is all about time and effort. The more time you invest, the better and more rewarding the results.
The recommended timeline for a thorough deep cleaning every three months, but for ease, you can divide the task into smaller cleaning projects. Like pick a room every month and perform a deep, thorough cleaning via your deep cleaning house checklist.
Moreover, deep cleaning also depends on the number of people you have at home. The more people, the more frequently you’ll have to clean the place.
When you clean the place regularly, it is less likely to trouble you in the future.
A Few Considerations Before Setting Out Cleaning
Before getting down on your knees and starting the cleaning project, pause and make a schedule, you can also make a chart or workflow and break down activities into days and times.
Then, stick to the schedule. Whatever days, hours, or times you decide, adhere to the timelines firmly. Only then you’ll be able to complete the project in time. Before starting your deep cleaning house checklist, here are some factors to keep in mind.
Let’s go through them first; afterward, we’ll cover where to start and how to go about the whole house deep cleaning checklist from room to room.
- Keep children and pets out of the way.
- Declutter before you start scrubbing. Get rid of all those items you no longer need from all your cabinets, drawers, and other accessible places.
- Start afresh, preferably in the morning when the energy levels are high.
- Call your friends or family for help; the more supportive people around, the merrier the job!
- If your house is very dirty, divide the deep cleaning into parts. Do one thing first, followed by another.
- Make it fun; turn up the music, put on your most comfortable (though not the favorite) PJs, and set the mood.
- Make sure you clean grease stains and grout. For example, leaving redundant microwave stains or molded tiles may become near impossible to clean if left as they are throughout the year.
These few considerations will make the job easier and less of a hassle to tackle the hard parts. Make sure you make yourself comfortable first and then get to work.
What Items Do You Need
Before you roll your sleeves and get down cleaning, make a quick run to your nearest grocery store and grab these basic minimal supplies.
- Buckets
- Rags and towels
- Dish wash soap or disinfectant
- Rubber or disposable gloves
- Face mask
- Abrasive scrubs/ scrub brushes
- Vinegar and water solution
- Baking soda
- Spray bottle
- A toothbrush
- Microfiber clothes
- Plenty of trash bags
- Vacuum cleaner
- All-purpose cleaner
Homemade Baking Soda / Vinegar Solution
These two solutions of baking soda and vinegar are the go-to ingredient for all redundant, stubby stains. Both are easy to make at home and very effective at cleaning stains and grime. Here’s how you can make the DIY magic potion.
- Baking Soda Paste: Take a cup of baking soda and add a little water till it becomes pasty in texture.
- Vinegar Solution: Add vinegar and water to a spray bottle in a 1:1 ratio to make the vinegar solution.
Room By Room Deep Cleaning House Checklist
Now that you have your gear and are armored with your gloves, mask, and rags, it’s time to get onto the job. We’ll start with the most used room of the house, i.e., the bathroom.
Start from the large fixtures, i.e., the tub or shower area. Scrub the bathtub, sink, and toilet using a scrub brush (a separate one for the toilet) and an all-purpose cleaner. For stains that wouldn’t get off, you can use baking soda.
Scrub it well along the surface. Let it stay for some time, and then wash it.
Also, it will be better to use a toothbrush to clean the corners, like the ends of the fixtures.
Use a microfiber cloth to clean the surfaces. Viola! Your bathroom will look good as new with all the clean and shiny fixtures.
As for the shower head, place a bag filled with vinegar and water solution. Tie it on the head, so it stays immersed in the solution, and leave it overnight. It’ll be clean and mold-free too!
Wash the shower curtain, as well, while you are at it. Then, clean the vanity and the mirror using the glass cleaner and all other toiletries.
Finally, use the surface cleaner to scrub clean the floor and spray the disinfectant all over the place.
The Kitchen
Next up on our deep cleaning house checklist we have the kitchen. If you haven’t already, start by decluttering the kitchen.
First, remove all expired products from the refrigerators, cabinets, and drawers. Then look for other items or broken crockery and toss it out.
Then take out the rags. Here’s how you will go about cleaning the kitchen:
- Start from the ceiling; clean the fan’s blades using a rag. Also, remove the cobwebs and clean the lights and other fixtures around the ceiling.
- Using the dish wash liquid or all-purpose cleaner, start with the cabinets: thoroughly clean each cabinet and drawer’s insides, doors, and knobs.
- Clean the counters, shelves, and kitchen chairs and tables.
- Finally, clean the sink and faucets using the same dish wash solution and microfiber cloth.
You also need to clean the appliances every few months. Once the clutter is removed, open up the refrigerator, and clean each shelf.
As for the microwave and oven, take out the spinning plate and wash it. Next, wash all other trays and washable parts of the oven and clean the rest of the inside using the microfiber cloth and dishwasher liquid.
If there are food stains or grease that wouldn’t get off, use the baking soda mix and gently scrape them off.
Floor and Trash
Finally, get on the floor. First, you need to sweep the floor and empty the trash. Ensure the trash doesn’t give off any foul odor.
If it does, you need to wash it and clean it up. Simply take the solution of warm soapy water to clean the insides of the trash can.
Install the new lining and place a bag. Use scented trash bags for a fresher feel, or place lemon peels at the bottom.
Use the all-purpose cleaner to mop the floor and disinfect the sink and counters.
Again make it a rule to start each room from the top and then go all the way down so the dust and debris fall on the floor as you go down.
You can always clean and mop the floor towards the end.
Step on the ladder and remove all the spider webs; clean the ceiling fans and lights first. Also, check out the cabinets. Declutter and clean the insides with the dishwasher solution and mop.
Do not leave out the door and handles.
Similarly, clean the tables and drawers with the cloth and solution. If there are stubborn marks or stains, use the baking soda solution and scrub clean using a scrub brush or toothbrush.
Take out the curtain and toss it in the laundry first. Next, clean the window and window pane using a rag and vacuum cleaner. Make sure to remove all dirt first and then shift to the service cleaner attachment to remove the stuck pieces of dirt from inside the sill.
For blinds, wear an old sock on your hand and, using the all-purpose cleaner, run it over the blind. Clean each row separately to bring out the shine.
Use a glass cleaner to clean the windows. Place a towel at the bottom of the window by the pane and squeegee them dry.
Strip away the sheets, pillow covers, and pillows and put them in the washing machine.
Clean the headboard, sides, and top of the bed using a mild solution from the dishwasher and the microfiber cloth. Remember to dive under the bed while you are at it. Check for dust bunnies and lost toys and clean up thoroughly using the vacuum cleaner.
Pro Tip: Flip your mattress; check for any foul odors or stains.
If you feel your mattress needs a touch of freshness, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda. Let it sit for a couple of hours, and vacuum it dry.
Finally, tuck in the new sheets and fluff the pillows.
Living Room
Clean up the ceiling, lights, and fixtures, as discussed in this deep cleaning house checklist.
Then, pick up the vacuum and clean up under the cushions, sofa, chairs, and other pieces of furniture and upholstery.
Take the dishwashing bucket and microfiber cloth. Use the cloth to carefully clean all the furniture, decorative pieces, and wall hangings. Wipe clean the remote controls and appliances
Carpets and Rugs
Take the vinegar and water mixture and a few drops of dishwashing soap. Soak the areas of the carpet or rug with stain marks.
Use the towel to blot the stain. If the marks still don’t leave, make a solution of baking powder and scrub clean the grime. You may even sprinkle baking soda over the carpet to freshen it up. Leave it for a few hours, then vacuum-clean the carpet or rug.
Pro tip: Rent out a steam cleaner to dry out the carpet.
Wipe the walls using a damp cloth, top to down. If there are stains or grease marks, use a sponge to clean and take them out.
Laundry Room
Of course, you must remember the laundry room! Wipe the exterior of the washing machine and dryer first.
Spray the insides of the washing machine with the vinegar solution. Wipe the surface clean.
Make sure to clean the rubber gasket by the door.
If the machine has an autocleaning function, fill it with water and follow the instruction manual to conduct the self-cleaning round.
Deep house cleaning should be a regular practice, or else the piles of dirt and grout will keep building and become a menace.
Find the time and roll up your sleeves to deep clean the house every two to three months. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to clean, and you’ll likely leave the job midway through.
Follow our deep cleaning house checklist as your ultimate guide for a complete and detailed house cleanup. Then, if you still feel your house is dirty, call Sunlight Cleaning NY Company today. Our house cleaning services includes basic vs deep checklist.
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